Ok, I've had this idea for a flash called "The Adventures of Adventure Man", but I'm too suckish to animate. Though I can do voices and storyboard and stuff lol. If anyone's interested please PM me.
*After 70 long, grueling hours of interrogating a trash can, Adventure Man walks into a room and sets off the Shoop Da Whoop Lazerz Security*
INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT *Flashing lights come on*
AM: *Smashes lights* Robots suck at disco parties. *mumbles* *Goes up to a computer*
Computer: Please enter access code Z
AM: *enters code* WRONG *enters aother code* WRONG *Skips to him having stubble, typing in a code slowly* You have been wrong for the: 588575755785885267519471647850th time! *Goes to punch computer but knocks over a cup of coffee*
Computer: OMG! MY COFFEE! *Whole building self destructs*
AM: Triangle! Help me!!!
Triangle on PDA: I'm sorry, but Triangle has converted to buddhism, and cannot help you at this moment *elevator music*
AM: Then how'd you have time to answer my call?
seems funny, hope you find an animator